Thursday, December 19, 2019

Whose Reality is it Anyway?

The Republicans and Democrats don’t have different political philosophies. They live in different parallel universes. Each reality is self-contained and self-consistent. Each has its own history, language, and physical laws. 

These worlds overlap. But there’s no discussion between the inhabitants of each world. 

In Universe A: a conspiracy of hateful leftists conspired to frame President Donald Trump for a crime he didn’t commit in order to overturn the will of the people. The presidential impeachment is a coup justified by a hoax. 

In Universe B: President Donald Trump gave the Ukrainian president an offer he couldn’t refuse. “Either announce that you’re investigating Joe and Hunter Biden for corruption. Or I’ll kill your military aid.” The facts are undeniable. The presidential impeachment is the right thing to do. 

The inhabitants of each world don’t debate these facts. How could they? Facts are facts! There’s no debate! If a man came up to you and screamed, “Fire is cold!” you wouldn’t argue the point. You’d run. He’s dangerously insane, clearly. If not willfully insane. 

We feared the nightmare future of George Orwell. It turns out the visions of Jorge Luis Borges were far more accurate.

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