Wednesday, March 11, 2020


The Russians have a disinformation playbook. The key game play? To quote Eric Berne, "Let's you and him fight." I.e.: a house divided against itself cannot stand. Sow seeds of bitterness in the progressive wing of America's Democratic Party. Spread the meme that the Democratic elite is robbing Bernie of his rightful nomination. It's a set-up, a steal, a con. Biden isn't a true liberal. He's a sell-out, an old white guy, a racist. Oh, yeah. And he has dementia too. Once again the DNC asks you to hold your nose, forget your principles, and vote for the "electable candidate." What an insult! Just walk away! Vote for Trump. Or write in Bernie. That will show them.

They might as well throw us a f***ing shovel to dig our graves. The progressives, in their righteous anger, refuse to see the Russian's clever psychology. They're falling for it. They're digging their graves as fast as they can. The result? Unless the progressives have a massive epiphany, end game. Another four f***ing years of Trump. It won't be more of the same. He's just getting started. He'll continue to pack the Federal judicial system and get a supermajority in the Supreme Court when the inevitable vacancies arise. The Koch Brothers will get their wish, Grover Norquist too. They'll drown the government in a bathtub. They'll kill the interpretation of the Commerce Clause that allows for most Federal regulation across the country. They'll kill the EPA, the Department of Education, you name it. They'll open up the coastal waters of America's continental shelf and the Arctic National Wildlife Reserve for oil drilling in a rush worthy of the white settlers stampeding into the Oregon Territory. Roe v Wade will die, and there'll be parades across the nation worthy of "Inherit the Wind." Rulings will also make it clear that sexual orientation is not a protected class. And throw in draconian libel laws and the gutting of class action suits. And on and on and on. It won't be a temporary defeat. It will be a permanent change in our political system. A hard-right wish list. Democracy in chains. A jolly kleptocracy in the tradition of John C. Calhoun. In that context, I'm deeply sorry that Biden isn't a sexy reincarnation of Billy Jack and Bernie's progressive wish list won't all come true. But we're deeply, truly f***ed if Trump gets a second term. Pretty please with sugar on top, don't fall for the disinformation campaign. Don't drink the Kool Aid. Don't shoot off your nose to spite your face. As much as you can't stand his vibe, vote for Biden if he gets the nomination. I promise to vote for Bernie if (by some miracle) he's the winner. Honest.

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