Thursday, January 21, 2010

Corporations are people, too.

This just in ...

The Supremes just handed down a decision in  Citizens United v Federal Election Commission. The decision? The Citizens United corporation has the right to spend UNLIMITED AMOUNTS OF MONEY to sway the political process. (Or any other !@# corporation for that matter.) Yep. Starting now, the law can't limit or regulate corporate funding of "independent" political broadcasts. The reasoning? Well. Evidently, corporations have unlimited First Amendment rights -- because they're persons, after all. And, seeing as how they're persons, corporations can spend as much money as they want on politics.Why?  Because money is speech! While we're on the subject, cotton is cotton candy and chicken salad is really chicken shit.

I think that's just Jim Dandy. But, just to be consistent, if corporations really are persons, we should be able to throw them in jail if they break the law.

Hell, we should get to put 'em in the !@#$ electric chair if they kill somebody.

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