Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Invisible Martian Dept.

Thanks to the Internet, the delusional architecture of paranoid schizophrenia isn’t private anymore. Now, every wacky idea that pops into any whack-job’s head instantly spreads like a virus—becoming an instant belief system with a flock of global followers. These true believers are pre-committed to whatever conspiracy theory they’ve been infected with. The original conspiracy theory becomes an article of faith—not a hypothesis but an unquestioned presupposition. (If you question it, you’re one of Them.) This conviction is beyond the reach of argument. The true believers pound the square pegs of evidence into the round holes of their presupposition.
So, the wacky notion could be, say, there's an invisible Martian in the corner of the room broadcasting evil thoughts in your head. Mr. Nutjob posts it on his blog. Soon, everybody's seeing invisible Martians.
Or, to use another example, "chemtrails."
You mean contrails?
No, man. Chemtrails. The one-world government's spraying chemicals out of planes, man.
Ah. There's a word for it. So they must exist.
Exactly, man. 
OK. So why is the one-world government spraying chemicals out of planes?
Well, we used to think it was geo-engineering. You know, like fight global warming by dropping aluminum chaff in the stratosphere. Aluminium's like reflective, you know?
But that's not what they're doing, man. That's just a cover story. It's really population control.
No shit.
No shit, man.
OK. A few objections ...
This violates the "Don't shit where you eat," principle. If the Illuminati or the Stone Cutters was spraying the planet with population control chemicals, wouldn’t they be absorbing the same chemicals? Is the global elite walking around in gas masks? No.
Granted the total cubic volume of the earth’s atmosphere, what quantity of chemicals would the planes need to eject to have any effect?
Unless this is some sinister form of homeopathic medicine, you'd have to spray a huge quantity of chemicals into the atmosphere to have any effect at all. Those chemicals would show up in ground water and the food chain.
The funny thing is ...
The global elite is poisoning the earth's atmosphere ANYWAY. And they're doing it right out in the open.
Not to mention the unholy substances in the food we stuff into our bodies.
Why bother with "chemtrails" when you've got fast food?
I could go on. But that's just logic talk.

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