Wednesday, November 7, 2018

O Florida, O Bollocks

Half of our voters went for Gillum. Based on a random sampling of Facebook, Democrats around the country have a simple explanation. 

Florida sucks. People from Florida suck. We're banjo-plucking inbred mutants. We're racists. Desantis won because we're bad people. 

Seriously. I'm not making this up.

It's bloody amazing how many Democrats have immediately started throwing stones. "Ashamed of Florida." "Floridump." "Florida voters! Uggh! Horrifying!" 

My friends. Artists. Intelligent people. Who should all know better. These bright-eyed specimens of the best of humanity should know there will always be set-backs, reversals and screw-ups. 

This applies to politics, football, and the game of life. Then what? Then you either come together as a team, get your heads in the game, and fight like hell for a comeback. Or you start pointing fingers and saying "You f***ed up!" "No, you f***ed up!" The team that comes together wins. The team that turns against itself loses. And deserves to lose. 

There's enough blame to go around for everybody. 

Hell, we can blame the voters of California for electing Ronald Reagan as governor, thus sending him on the path to the White House — where he gleefully began the process of dynamiting the foundations of the New Deal and the Great Society. And blame the voters of Texas for electing George W. Bush over Ann Richards, and jump-starting his political career. Or, hell, the voters of America for putting Trump in the White House. We all suck.

There's no profit in demonizing any given state or region. (Particularly in making Florida the whipping boy for the nation's sins ... but I digress.) Democrats should stop pointing fingers and come together. Blame is a loser's game. Our focus should be on ideas, political strategy, and winning.

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