Thursday, February 25, 2010

Game theory

"Losers" implies a certain game theory. A fairly new one.

Once upon a time, common people used to think you should know your place. And stay there. "Ambition" used to be a dirty word. Basically, God placed you on your rung on life's ladder and you should accept it. The original idea of a villain was someone common and low-bred trying to rise above his station. A villein trying to act like a Lord.

Upper mobility is a core American idea. I.e.: God wants you to climb that ladder. In terms of game theory, America's common people didn't always consider themselves losers because (A) Horatio Alger-types thought the game was fair and they were still climbing. (B)They were stuck -- because the game was rigged. If the other guy is cheating, you're not a loser.

So, at the time of the original Progressive movement -- our old pal William Jennings with his "cross of gold" and all that -- the core perception was that east coast monied interests were allied against farmers, rural America and the Midwest and had rigged the economic game in their favor.


Alison Levin Bishop said...

I want to follow your blog, but only seem able to follow your blog comments. I'm sure very interesting, still....Could you check out putting a RSS link on or something? Thanks!!!

Marty Fugate said...

Dang this technology anyway! It sucks to be a futurist when you're behind the times. I'll see if I can figure it out ...

Alison Levin Bishop said...

Good job techie! I'm subscribed.